Do you sometimes get a chance to express yourself? Truly. Is there anyone who has ever asked you: Hey, how are you doing? — in an attempt to actually listen (or read). To get to know you.
Have you ever wondered whether the words you say out loud — or those you write down; the notes you play; the pictures you paint…are aligned with how you perceive yourself? Who are you, by the way?
Are you a static, immovable being, clinging to an apparent stability provided by endless promises that your life won’t change much? A life that offers enough predictability to imagine your current decisions will end up serving as a blanket that keeps you warm tomorrow; as a garden that keeps you fed and busy the day after tomorrow.
Are you an ever-evolving being, with a deep respect for uncertainty while courageously exploring perceivable instabilities promising a life that keeps changing endlessly? A life that offers enough unpredictability to imagine your current decisions being subjected to continuous updates and adaptations.
Are you alone and enjoying the quiet? Or are you lonely and resentful towards others? Do you enjoy your own company or are you busy spreading your misery onto others? Have you found some sort of inner peace or are you driven by anger? Is lethargy your current modus operandi? Have you resigned from an existence forced upon you or are you determined to figure out how to make the most of it?
Are you afraid? And is that fear forcing you to reject changes that are incompatible with the conveniences you expect from life? Conveniences you’ve worked so hard to obtain — and that you feel are unfairly being taken away from you. Because you’ve always played by the rules — even though at times you felt like breaking them. In the end, you didn’t because you were told that you’ll be rewarded. But that reward never came.
Do you have any regrets? If so, why? Or are you proud of your life? Do you live in the moment; with excitement for the future. No matter the hardships that lie ahead. Or do you suffer in the present; with a deep longing for a past that seemed to be somewhat more bearable?
Somewhere out there is someone who has faced similar opportunities and challenges to yours. That someone has, at every turn of their life, made those decisions that you have rejected. Thus, that someone’s life is now very different from yours. Can you imagine coexisting with that someone?